“Forget Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe Jackson, put Louis Sockalexis in the Baseball Hall of Fame!” To hear that truly great master of being disingenuous and champion of using “Straw Man” fallacies — using logic fallacies I’ve cautioned my students not to use on their peers in my oral communications classes for a decade — you’d think that is my position and the Penobscot Nation position, according to Bradford Horn, National Baseball Hall of Fame public relations director. Of course, if you had … [Read more...]
Sports Illustrated should recognize Sockalexises
By Ed Rice, Special to the Bangor Daily News In a largely admirable July 31 editorial in the Bangor Daily News titled “A Baseball First,” the Penobscot Nation tribe was supported in its efforts demanding respect for Louis Sockalexis from the Cleveland Indians baseball franchise, but that editorial contains the very regrettable line that “the tribe might do well to narrow the focus of its outrage.” No, it should not! And since more than 137 media outlets all across the country published the … [Read more...]
Negro League team played in Bangor; game accounts reflect accepted racism
This story was published on Aug. 05, 2006 on Page D1 in all editions of the Bangor Daily News On a Bangor baseball field that no longer exists, almost 100 years ago in May 1907, Louis Sockalexis, the first American Indian to play major league baseball, played for the Bangor town team against a club comprised of barnstorming Negro League players from the Philadelphia Giants, reigning champions of the “colored leagues.” The black players, at that time, were not allowed to compete at the highest … [Read more...]
Baseball Hall needs to acknowledge Sockalexis
This story was published on April 05, 2004 on Page C1 in all editions of the Bangor Daily News (Editor’s note: In this final installment of three columns, focused on disrespect to Native Americans in the world of sports and, particularly, to a Maine Indian legend, Louis Sockalexis, author Ed Rice argues his case why Louis Sockalexis deserves to have the title “First Indian” to play major league baseball restored to him. He also implores the Baseball Hall of Fame to recognize, at long last, … [Read more...]
Cleveland nickname does not honor Sockalexis
This story was published on April 03, 2004 on Page D1 in all editions of the Bangor Daily News (Editor’s note: In this second of three columns on disrespect to Native Americans in the world of sports and, particularly, disrespect to a Maine Indian legend, Louis Sockalexis, author Ed Rice discusses how Louis Sockalexis inspired the nickname “Indians” the major league team in Cleveland uses to this day, but is in no way honored by the continuing specter of the racist caricature, Chief … [Read more...]
Indian nicknames lacking in respect; mascot makeover might be in order for some Maine high school teams
This story was published on April 02, 2004 on Page C1 in all editions of the Bangor Daily News (Editor note: This is the first of three columns concerning disrespect to Native Americans in the world of sports and, in particular, disrespect to a Maine legend, Louis Sockalexis, by Sockalexis biographer Ed Rice. In this first column, Rice explores the continuing use of the nickname “Redskins.”) We live in a curiously impolite era. We know no new sporting team in this country - whether spawned … [Read more...]